It happened! The Cubs are the World Series Champions!
No more "maybe next year." No more talk about curses, goats, black cats. They did it!!!
Besides the fact that it lets me think about something other than politics, why does it matter? Because this team, and their fans, deserved it. The team never gave up, even when they were down three games to one and it looked dire. The fans never stopped loving them, even when it looked dire. They deserve each other and the championship.
I'm a relative newcomer to Cubs fandom, having joined the ranks 29 years ago, but I know the heartache, the resignation, the anguish that used to come at the end of every year. I was always so hopeful and then I was crushed.
But now I can rejoice! I can celebrate! I can smile all through the winter. And so can Cubs fans all over the world.
Thank you to the Cubs for making this happen. Thank you for NEVER giving up!
Thank you for giving me hope each year and giving all of us joy this year.
Here's what I wrote in July: Go Cubs blog
They made history in that 7th game. And I'm pretty sure they've changed me for the better.