Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nothing to Report

That title doesn't really give you a lot of incentive to read this blog, does it? I looked back at my previous few (okay, several) postings and discovered that I've been going on about everything except the latest novel. I suppose I could have continued to do that, but since this blog is supposed to be about the progress on my novel, I thought it was time to be honest.

I haven't done much lately. "Real" life has found a way to intrude in many ways. I've been out of town, there's been an exciting World Series, I've had other events going on. If these sound like excuses, I guess they are. I keep telling myself I have to get back to work, but it keeps not happening. I apparently either needed a break or I'm just procrastinating; I suspect it's the latter.

I can't even tell you anything about the cover art. The artist has some issues going on in her life that have prevented her from communicating with me. We both saw this coming and planned for it, so it's not that she's done anything wrong at all, it's just that maybe seeing the cover would give me the kick in the pants that I need to get going again. Since I don't have that, I'll just have to buckle down and get to it.

I do actually have the open manuscript next to the keyboard (see? even this blog is keeping me from working on it), and I've just realized that I need to make a timeline to ensure that I know where one of the characters is at all times so I know if the action makes any sense at all. Sigh. Timelines are not my favorite thing, but sometimes they're necessary so I can double-check the action.

Get to it, Diane!  (sound of whip cracking)

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