Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Video

This week I mailed off two copies of In the Shadows to the Library of Congress for mandatory deposit. I didn't think they would get there right away because of all the nasty weather on the East Coast, but when I checked this morning, they'd arrived! That means they're in the Library of Congress! That still makes me grin like an idiot, even for the third time.

Here's another thing that makes me kind of happy: I made an actual video! It's on Youtube and everything. (You don't even want to know how long it took me to put this together.) Here it is:

I hope this will help get the word about Outsider to more people. Please be sure to share it with everyone you know! Here's the link:

What do you think? Is it passable for my first video? Should I try to make more? (Feel free to leave a comment below!)

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