Saturday, April 2, 2016

Closet Spaceship Part 18

(NOTE: This post refers to events from In The Shadows. I hope you've read it!)

Everyone needs a private place, a place to think one’s thoughts and escape the world for a while. For many of us, that’s home … so it’s a place I don’t want to invade.
I’d always visited Reggie aboard the ship, whether it was Outsider or Penumbra, but there was a time, while he was recovering, that he wasn’t there. I didn’t think Cyril was ready to see me, so I avoided him, but that meant avoiding Reggie, too. I wondered if I should just leave him alone.
This left me with another problem, though: as long as Reggie was recovering, the others were living their private lives, too. I didn’t want to drop by their homes unannounced, but I couldn’t hang out with them on the ship, and I didn’t think I should overdo it with Sean.
I missed them.
I was working on the next novel, polishing it mostly, so it shouldn’t have been such a problem, but rewriting is a lonely business. I was dealing with words, not characters, and sometimes words don’t want to be wrangled without an exhausting fight.
I finally broke my own unwritten rule. Let’s face it, I’m sort of making up the rules as I go along, so occasionally there will be adjustments.
There wasn’t any snow, but it was still cold. I walked around a little, flapping my arms and shivering. I eyed the rocks circling one of the trees. I walked around the storage shed in the far corner. I thought maybe I shouldn’t be there.
Then the back door opened.
Reggie backed out and closed the door. When he turned around, I was startled to see him leaning on a cane. He took a few steps toward me, but I darted to join him so he wouldn’t have to go any farther than necessary.
“I’m sorry,” I said, “I didn’t know—”
“Forget it,” he said. “I’m bored as hell anyway.”
“Are you supposed to be walking?” I asked. I knew he’d been badly injured, but I’d managed not to think about it. The cane made it impossible to ignore, though.
“Sure,” he said. “Thought I was so smart: I lost the cane so even Cy couldn’t find it. So what’s he do? Buys me another one, damn it.”
I checked his expression to see that he wasn’t angry at his brother.
“It’s mostly for balance,” he said. “So why are you here? Not much to see, is there?”
“Rewriting,” I said, as if that explained everything.
It didn’t. Reggie looked puzzled.
“Take your favorite book,” I said. “Now read it ten times in a row.”
He nodded. “So you’re bored as hell, too.”
“Pretty much.”
He laughed. “We’re just a couple of winners, right? Got it made.”
I smiled. “That’s right. Top of the world.”
“Give it a while,” Reggie said. “I’ll get back, so will you.”
“Yeah, I know.”

And he was right: The Other Side is coming soon. Stay tuned!

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