Saturday, June 18, 2016

Speak Out

I was brought to tears this week as I heard tales from survivors of the massacre in Orlando. The unthinkable had happened to them and they struggled to make any sense of it, as we all must do.
I wanted to do something, to write something. That’s what I do: I write through things and sometimes that helps.
But I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t find the right words. So many have spoken so eloquently about what happened there that I didn’t think I could compete.
Then I realized: I don’t need or want to compete. I want to join those voices.
Those of us who choose love, tolerance and kindness need to do this more often. We need to make it clear that hatred will not win. It MUST NOT win.
We must be strong, stand up and declare that we are on the side of those who wish to spread cheer, hugs and laughter. We are on the side of those who care for each other and want only to live in peace.
Those on the side of hatred think that we’re weak, but we’re not. If we’re so weak, why do they need to keep killing us?
No, they fear us. We are the ones who can make a real difference.
So let us all stand up and choose love. Let us proclaim it from wherever we are, in whatever words we can find: we choose LOVE.
And we’re not afraid to say it.

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