Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Hits...

...with a baseball bat! My city got covered in ice over this weekend. In fact, the reason I didn't post yesterday was that I was afraid to turn on our computer while the trees were groaning with ice and branches were snapping all around. We lost our power for over an hour, but we were lucky to get it back so soon. Many are still without power, so let's keep them in our thoughts and send good wishes to the utility workers out there in the cold trying to restore the rest of the power.

The only good thing about the ice and deep freeze is that I am motivated to stay inside. Once we got our power back, I jumped right on the computer and I'm now busy trying to format Another Shot for Kindle. I'd forgotten how time-consuming that is! No wonder it took me over a month last time. I sincerely hope it won't take that long this time ... and I think the holidays will help that because I'll have time off work to keep plugging away.

I've already sold two copies of Another Shot on so that's pretty great! Remember to tell all of your friends, co-workers and acquaintances about the Penumbra series and how they need to buy copies for all of their friends, co-workers and acquaintances! (Both novels would make a great last-minute Christmas gift!)

I wish everyone peace this holiday season.

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