Sunday, February 16, 2014


Yesterday I created a Facebook page for myself as author and I have to say this: it was one of the more frustrating things I've attempted for a while. I will admit that I'm not savvy about social media, but I am reasonably intelligent and I should be able to figure FB out. Not true. I managed to post something, but it stuck a photo in there I didn't want and I don't know how to remove it.

The biggest problem is the URL. You are supposed to be able to set up a custom URL that is easy for people to remember, but each time I try to do this, FB tells me I have to verify my account using a cell phone with SMS capabilities. I don't have such a thing so it appears that I'm out of luck as far as this goes.

As a result, my URL is this ugly thing:

I dare you to memorize that! I had to paste it in a Word document so I can copy and paste it whenever I need it. I've tried FB's Help but it doesn't address this particular issue; it merely tells me how I SHOULD be able to change my URL.

So if you're expecting a lot of activity from me on Facebook, you'll be sorely disappointed. I'm going to stick to this blog and rarely deal with Facebook. Sorry about that.

If anyone has any advice for me, I'll gladly consider it.

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