Saturday, February 1, 2014

Outsider Temporarily Unavailable

If you happen to go to anytime soon to buy a paperback copy of Outsider, I'm afraid you'll see this message:

Status of Outsider on Feb. 1, 2014
It might seem odd that a publish-on-demand book is out of stock, but that's the case because I decided that there were a few too many errors in the book. Once I start the process of uploading a new file to CreateSpace, the book becomes unavailable on Amazon. I'm sorry if this causes you any inconvenience. I started the process today and I hope to have it finished within a week. If you're trying to buy a copy, keep checking back!

While I was at it, I decided I'd better fix the Kindle version, too. That means it might not be available for a short time either.

I want to have the best version I can for sale, so that's why I chose to do this. There weren't any huge errors, just some embarrassing ones, including some missing words, and I wanted to get them fixed.

Because of this, the Facebook page is also on hold. I didn't get any comments about it on this blog, so I assume nobody is holding their breath to see it. I'll get back to that once I get the corrections done to Outsider.

Another Shot is still available in both versions, so feel free to buy a copy.  I'll try to make a brief post when Outsider is available again.

Happy February!

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