Saturday, March 8, 2014

Facebook Revisited

It seems that sometimes I needlessly worry about things and then they turn out to be not quite as scary as I first thought. Does that ever happen to you?

I wanted to create a simple URL for my Facebook page, but they wanted me to take a few steps that I didn't want to take. After seeking advice and receiving it from a very good source, I decided to take the leap. (As my hero, Ray Bradbury, would say, I jumped off the cliff and built my wings on the way down.)

The result is this:  That's a lot better than the last URL, isn't it? I certainly don't miss all those numbers!
(Thanks to my very good source! You know who you are.)

I know that changing a Facebook URL is not the biggest achievement in one's life (I've had many that were bigger), but it's one step in a long process. I felt I needed to take this step in order to move on to the next, which is important. Keep moving, keep trying.

Now that I've done that, I'd like to ask you for a favor: tell your friends on Facebook about my page. Let's build up those Likes and spread the word about Outsider and Another Shot. Thanks for your support!

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