Saturday, August 23, 2014


It's time to work on the image for the cover of In The Shadows. I met with the artist recently to discuss the image I'm seeking this time, as much as I could describe it. I had a pretty vague idea for Another Shot, but this time I have something a little more specific in mind. On one hand, that's good for the artist because she knows what I want, but on the other hand, it might be a drawback if my internal image is so specific that it's hard for her to match it.

I'm going to try to be flexible. I really like the image that's in my head, but I have to be willing to allow for her creativity and her own vision. I guess it's a lot like anything else you approach for the first time: you might have an idea of how it will go, but you can't ever know for sure. If you can adapt as you see the whole image taking shape, you'll be a lot better off than if you rigidly stick to your original plan. It's also true of life in general: my life now is certainly not how I envisioned it twenty, ten or even five years ago!

Stay tuned for updates.

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