Saturday, August 30, 2014


As it turns out, my last blog post showed a little foresight: the artist asked me this week if she could make an adjustment to the image I requested. At first I was resistant, but then I remembered writing that I would be flexible and decided I'd better live up to those words, so I asked her to show me an example. She had a few photos she'd taken to give me an idea of what she was describing. As she explained her thinking behind the slight change, I began to see what she meant. Gradually, I realized that she might be onto something. We agreed that she would tone it down a little but try for that effect ... so I was able to be flexible after all.

The two of us also signed a contract, so it's official now. I think that's a relief for both of us because she can concentrate on the image she's creating and I can concentrate on the novel without worrying about the image. That part's in her hands now.

The words are still my responsibility, though, so I need to keep working on those. I've made a lot of adjustments and changes, but I'm not convinced it's quite ready yet so I'll keep working on it until I'm happy with it.

Stay tuned!

And happy Labor Day!

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