Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Print or Not to Print

I had a temporary setback in working on the third novel: our printer suddenly decided it didn't want to print anymore. We tried to get it repaired, but the manufacturer wouldn't sell our repair guys a part so they couldn't do anything. I then promised that I would never buy another printer from that particular company.

The reason this was a problem was that when I rewrite, I usually write notations in the margins of the paper copy that give me some idea of the changes I made to the digital copy, but there usually isn't enough room to show everything I rewrote. It usually looks like "really? NO" or "NOPE! this doesn't work" or "rewrite." As a result, when I'm looking through the paper copy again later, I have no idea what I did with that section. Normally I just print out a copy of the revision and I'm all set for proofreading ... but when I can't print it out and my memory doesn't retain every word I wrote, it makes for less-than-effective proofreading. (I'm terrible at proofreading on a monitor.)

So we got a new printer. I was amazed to realize that we got a printer/copier/scanner for less than a third of what we paid for a black & white printer about twenty-five years ago.

This is the first time we've owned a printer that is entirely wireless. The last one allowed us to connect wirelessly to some of our gadgets, but this one didn't even come with a USB cord. That means it took us a little longer to get it going, but it's nice to have one less cable on the desk.

So I'm using a very modern piece of equipment (the wireless printer) to let myself proofread the old-fashioned way (on paper). I never said my methods make sense!

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