Saturday, November 15, 2014

Artwork Update

I was finally able to meet with the artist this past week about the cover of the third novel. For various reasons, this was the first time we'd seen each other for a while. She had an image of the artwork she's creating and we talked about that for a while. I was kind of relieved to see it because somehow the physical drawing reminds me that I'm working on something tangible, not just a jumble of words that happen to reside in my three-ring binder and my head. The artwork isn't finished yet and we talked about a few tweaks, but at least progress is being made.

I've been working hard on the novel itself. I can't keep putting it off or telling myself I can read it "one more time." If I keep doing that, it will be 2016 before I think it's ready! If there's one thing I need to remember, it's that I can't keep tinkering forever if I want anyone else to read it.

And I want someone else to read it! I like knowing that my characters are in someone else's imagination, even if only for a while. It's like giving them life. I feel I have a responsibility to introduce them to as many people as I can. It's the least I can do to repay them for the years of entertainment they've given me.

For those of you who enjoy a pun, compliments of my husband:
We were driving near a local shopping area last evening when a male deer ran across the street in front of our car. I asked if the deer had been shopping at Wal-Mart and he replied, "No, it was shopping at Dollar General because you can get everything for a buck there."

Thanks for reading!

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