Saturday, November 8, 2014


If anyone ever tells you that writing is easy, you can answer, "Maybe, but what about rewriting?"

There might be writers out there who can bang out a bunch of words that are perfect as written, but I suspect there aren't very many of them. Most of us let our creativity go nuts and throw every word that comes to us at the page. Only later, when we regain our senses, do we bend to the difficult task of making those words actually work together to form something coherent. Writing is fast and frenzied, rewriting is slow and boring, but both are equally necessary.

I keep thinking I've got In The Shadows exactly where I want it, and then I find something else wrong ... and it's happened again. I thought I was making a final run-through when something reached up and slapped me in the face. It's a pretty big error, one that I can't ignore, and now I get to rewrite that part so that it works and yet still fits in with the story.

It happens, so I'm not upset. This is part of the process. It can be frustrating, though, especially when I think I'm a little farther along than I really am. But it's worth the effort to get it right, so I'll fix this and then go back to looking for other errors. I hope I won't find any, but I'll be prepared if I do.

Thanks for your support and patience!

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