Saturday, November 14, 2015

Darkness Falls

Part of my job involves taking calls from customers regarding their ads. This position rotates through my department and my turn ended at the beginning of this month, but a customer recently called when the designated person was already on the phone so the call rolled to me.

We spent about half an hour on the phone together, going over each portion of each ad, detailing the changes that needed to be made, and through it all, the caller was the epitome of patience and graciousness. When my computer was slow, he told me to take my time. When I didn't understand one of his requests, he reworded it for me until it was clear. He maintained a warm tone and thanked me several times for my help.

The next time he called, which was yesterday, he knew my first name so the operator directed his call to me again. He told me he was very pleased with the look of the ads but he wondered if he could make another small change or two. I told him I would make any changes he requested and we walked through the changes. Again, he was polite and patient. He thanked me for my help and praised the ads.

That same evening, I learned about what had happened in Paris. It might seem that the two things are unrelated ... and yet, they aren't. They both reflect the choice we all have in how we live our lives.

Here was one man who decided that he would approach his interaction with another person using good humor and warmth. He wasn't doing anything heroic, he was simply calling to request a change, but he did it in a way that made my day a little brighter. It didn't take a great deal of effort, but he made that effort and I certainly appreciated it.

Then there was a group of people who decided to act quite differently in Paris. Since we don't know for sure who these people were, I can't name their group (although there are hints of who it was). However, I do know that these people have decided to approach others with hate and murder. It doesn't matter if the people they encounter ever did anything to them or their acquaintances. They might turn on each other if given the right provocation. Whatever the situation, they respond with rage. People who have never met them are forced to deal with the consequences of that rage.

Please think about this the next time you encounter anyone in your life. I'm not suggesting that you will ever feel the need to pull out an AK-47 or a bomb, but we all contribute a little to the world's anger when we decide that politeness doesn't matter, when we snarl at someone who may or may not deserve it. I am as guilty as the next person of occasionally letting a personal feeling of annoyance spill out around me to darken the day of someone else. I need to try harder to remember that each person might be having a good or bad day, but I don't need to make it worse. I don't need to be part of the darkness.

Like the gentleman on the phone, even if I brighten the day of only one person, isn't that worth it? If we all try to do that, we can't solve all of the world's problems, but it might mean that at least there's hope for humanity ... and for peace.

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