Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy (Warm) New Year

If you're reading this in the United States, I wish you warmth because most Americans are facing some bitter cold this weekend. I hope you'll all be safe. Here in southeast Kansas, we're in a Winter Weather Advisory and we have a Wind Chill Warning for tomorrow night, so I can empathize with those of you in the deep freeze. 2014 is a challenge, but I keep reminding myself that the days are getting longer...

The cold weather has had one good result, however: it's kept me inside and I've actually had time to do a little reading. If you want something that is fun to read with a terrific main character, I highly recommend Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files series. This is some serious fun!  Harry Dresden ("the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country") is one of the most complex characters I've discovered for a while and I'm ready to make my way through all 15 or so novels.  So far, I've read two of them, but I have a total of six in my possession. Those other four look mighty tempting right now... Maybe this storm will be good for something after all!  If you get a chance and you like fantasy/mystery/noir/adventure, give this series a try. Storm Front is the first in the series. That seems appropriate for this weekend, doesn't it?

Remember that Another Shot is now available and please keep spreading the word about the Penumbra series. I appreciate your support!

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