Sunday, January 19, 2014

Closet Spaceship Part 4

(Here's another fiction installment.)

I had just been discovered aboard Outsider and the captain had asked me who I was. There was really nothing to do but say it.
      “I’m a writer,” I said. “From 2013.”
      Hawkins laughed.
      Captain Lamont’s expression didn’t change but I saw a slight twitch in his jaw.
      “That doesn’t really answer my questions,” he said.
      “Okay,” I said. “My name is Diane McCallum. I came here from Southeast Kansas on a sort of …”
      I was going to say “magic” but I decided that was a poor choice of words. I wasn’t in Oz or anything, after all.
      “… time-travelling spaceship,” I said.
      This time one of the crew members behind me laughed. I was pretty sure I heard at least one release the safety on his weapon, but I kept my eyes on Lamont. He was doing his best to show no emotion but it was clear he didn’t believe me.
      “How else could I get on your ship without detection?” I asked.
      “Stowaway,” Hawkins said.
      “That’s unlikely,” Lamont said.
      “More than time travel?” Hawkins asked.
      “Where is your ship?” Lamont asked me.
      I thought about this for a minute or so. Then I decided it was too late to turn back.
      “It’s invisible,” I said.
      I heard at least three of the armed men behind me scoff loudly.
      “So how do you find it again?” Hawkins asked with a smirk.
      “It finds me,” I said. “Usually before I’m ready.”
      “I don’t suppose you have any form of identification on you,” Lamont said.
      Well, what do you think? Do you keep your driver’s license with you when you’re online?
      “No,” I said a little apologetically. Maybe I’d need to consider that in the future, although it would seem a little silly. Besides, I didn’t know how much I could take with me when traveling. I wonder if there’s a weight limit, for instance. Hmmm, I might have to test that sometime. (And before you ask: yes, I was fully clothed. Would you really have asked me that?)
      “All right, I’ve heard enough,” Lamont said. “Put our guest in a safe place until we can learn more about her.”
      “Come on,” I protested as Hawkins took a step forward. “I’ve made you famous.”
      It was more than a bit of exaggeration (sales aren’t that good right now), but I didn’t want to go to a “safe place” at all.
      “Excuse me?” Lamont asked.
      Too late, I realized they might not want to be famous, given their profession.
      “Well, not now,” I explained. “In 2013, I mean.”
      “How could we be famous before we did anything?” Thompson asked.
      Hawkins chortled. “Time travel, remember? Let’s go.”
      He probably meant to take me aft, where I knew there were a couple of rooms with locks on the doors.
      “Captain Lamont,” I said.
      This got the captain's attention, since he hadn’t introduced himself yet.
      “Two things,” I continued. “First, if they still have, check me out.” I spelled my name for him.
      “And the second thing?” he asked.
      “Goodbye,” I said.
      I’ll admit it: I didn’t want to be locked up … so I left.
      What can I say? Writers can do that kind of thing, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
      Don't worry: the crew of Outsider will see me again.

(Meanwhile, let's do our best to make them famous, okay?  Tell all your friends and relatives to check out the Penumbra series!  Thanks for your support.)

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