Sunday, January 26, 2014


Sorry I'm a little late posting this. I had hoped to have some social media news, but that might have to wait. (See below for more about that.)

Meanwhile, if you happen to be in the southeast Kansas or southwest Missouri region, you may now buy Another Shot without having to pay shipping costs! Look for it (and Outsider) in the local author section at the Hastings store in Pittsburg, KS, and at Vintage Stock in the Northpark Mall in Joplin, MO. I appreciate both stores and their book managers for offering my two novels. Check them out and shop locally if you can. (Otherwise, you can find both novels on

I was really hoping to have a Facebook page set up by now, but other events intervened. For one thing, I went to see bald eagles in Stella, MO, over the weekend. Quite a sight! For a town with a population of 158, Stella had a lot to offer birders, including information about eagles, a quilt show, some homemade snacks and quite a few eagles. Adults and juveniles were perched in trees and soaring overhead, chirping to each other. I saw at least 15 of them. It was well worth the drive!

I have a day off from work tomorrow, however, and since it's supposed to turn bone-chilling cold again (what a winter!), I have good reason to stay inside and see if I can master the fine art of creating a Facebook page. I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to spend on it, since I'm sometimes hard-pressed to meet my goal of a blog each weekend, but I've decided to try. I'll let you know next weekend how it went.

What do you think? Any advice? Any suggestions? Please feel free to post comments below and let me know your thoughts (even if it's to tell me I'm crazy to try this).

Thanks for reading!

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