Saturday, April 26, 2014

Spring Weather

Well, today it feels like spring in Southeast Kansas, even if it might be temporary.

I think the weather might be a reason I had a somewhat low turnout for my book signing: a lot of people probably had outside activities planned. For the first hour, sales were zero. I held on for the second hour, though, and ended up selling 8 books. That's not great (I sold 14 last year) but it's much better than zero!

I want to thank everyone who came out to see me. I really appreciated it! I also want to thank the two people who don't know me but still took a chance on my novel. I hope you'll like it!

I don't want to forget to thank Hastings for hosting me. They provided me with a place near the front door and agreed to keep copies of both novels on consignment.
(I was in a good spot because I was right in front of a rack full of DVDs of "The Big Bang Theory.")

And thanks to my kind husband for keeping me company during the slow times.

Now it's back to work on the third novel!

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