Saturday, July 5, 2014


These are certainly the lazy days of summer. Book sales seem to be at a standstill, and so is the third novel.

Slow sales are to be expected, at least until Oprah or some famous movie director discovers Outsider. In the meantime, I'd like to thank Amanda and Vintage Stock in Joplin for continuing to carry copies of both novels. I did sell one copy there last month and that's definitely better than none!

My vacation sort of threw a wrench into the progress I was making on the third novel. After you've been staring at mountains, it's harder to stare at paper (especially paper holding words you've seen several times before), so I'm a little slow on that. In order to keep from feeling stuck, I've been trying to work on what I might want for the cover image for this one. You would think it would be easier than the second novel, but it most certainly is not! I have a vague idea and I'll see if I can run it by the artist in the near future to see what she thinks. (I have a verbal agreement to work with the same artist who did the cover for Another Shot.) Let's hope she thinks my idea is feasible and not ridiculous.

In the meantime, I hope everyone in the U.S. had a fun and safe Independence Day. Everyone have a great summer!

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