Saturday, December 5, 2015


Today I am posting my blog from my husband's office because we haven't had Internet service at our house since Tuesday. There are problems with the cable and they don't see it getting fixed until at least Monday.

About 15-20 years ago, this wouldn't have bothered me. I had very little presence on the Internet, although I would have missed email (as I really do now!). I didn't have a blog, a Facebook page, or anything like that. I think I might have laughed if you'd told me I'd have all that now or that I'd find myself almost dependent on the Internet.

We don't have TV service either, so I don't really know what's going on in the world, except for what other people choose to tell me. Some people might like that, and I find I don't miss coverage of the presidential candidates, but I really miss knowing about events in this country and others. Most of it isn't good news, like the shooting in California, but it's news I think I need to know. I want to know about current events because I don't like being uninformed and because I'm a writer, which gives me a desire for knowledge and, sometimes, understanding. (Not that I understand the shooting.)

This should be a good thing for me. You're probably asking, "Doesn't that mean you can get more writing done?" And that's a legitimate question. I did get quite a bit done the other evening (when I wasn't on the phone with the cable company), but it was a short-term success. I don't write well when I'm concerned about something (like when we'll get service again) and I found that I need a little distraction when I hit a rough patch and can't seem to find the right words. It helps to browse Facebook or some other "mindless" site while the other side of my brain works on the problem. Without that distraction, I have a little more trouble getting unstuck.

Besides that, all of this makes me feel isolated. It's very strange, because I'm married, I have friends and co-workers that I see almost every day, and there were several people I saw when I was volunteering today ... yet despite all that, I feel there's something missing.

I know people have mixed opinions about "being connected" and I am one of those who is sad to see a roomful of people all intent on their devices instead of having a conversation. But now I understand a little better the need for that connection beyond one's own life and surroundings. I wouldn't say I'm incomplete without it, but I feel a little more like I'm part of the world, instead of just a part of my community, when I'm connected.

I think it's a good thing to be reminded that there is more out there than what's right in front of me. And I hope to get to interact with it again sometime soon!

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