Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cover Update

I hadn't met with the artist for two weeks because we both had other activities, but we were able to find time this past week ... and I'm glad we did! After we discussed some of the business aspects, the artist showed me an initial sketch, based on my feeble attempts to describe what I want, and I really liked it! I think she's going to come up with something fantastic and I can't wait to see it.

This really brought home to me the idea that I'm going to publish a sequel to Outsider. That might sound strange, since I've been posting updates about it and proofreading the draft, but somehow, having a cover image in the works makes it seem much more real. There's going to be a cover, which means there's going to be a published novel! Then, amazingly enough, I'll be a twice-published author! I'd better put my head down before I pass out. Ha, ha.

I know it won't be easy, because getting the novel properly formatted and working through the CreateSpace steps can be a challenge, but I'm starting to think it might actually happen. Wow!

Thanks for reading my latest post. Feel free to post comments on this or any of my posts. Be sure to read About This Blog (you'll see it listed to the right) if you haven't already. And stay tuned!

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