Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Big 50

Believe it or not, this is my 50th blog post!
(I can hardly believe it myself. Who knew I could be so wordy? Oh, that's right: I'm an author. I'm supposed to be wordy.)

Okay, enough celebrating. I have some happy news and not-so-happy news this week.

First, the happy news: last weekend, just after I'd posted, the mail came ... and in it was an envelope from the Library of Congress. Yes, I got my copyright registration certificate for Another Shot! (Refer to that little guy above.) I was pretty excited, since it was way back in January that I applied for it. Now it's official.

The sad news is that the Hastings store in Pittsburg, KS, will be closing next month. That's where I had my first two book signings and where I was able to sell several copies of both novels on consignment. I want to thank their book manager, Courtney, for being so helpful and supportive. I also want to wish her and all of the other nice people who worked there the very best in the future.
Pittsburg, KS, Hastings store
Things change, not always for the better, but that's how we learn to adapt.
Here's to the future ...

(Happy guy provided by

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