Friday, June 13, 2014

This Weekend

I hope those of you in the U.S. will fly your flag on Saturday, which is Flag Day. Our flag stands for quite a few important ideas and actions, so let it fly to show what it means to you. We might have a lot of differences of opinion in our country, but I think most of us would agree we'd rather not live anywhere else.

And for Sunday, I want to wish everyone a happy Father's Day. Give someone's dad a hug or a smile. And while you're at it, do the same for someone's mom. Parents are special people. I want to say "thank you" to both of my parents for putting up with me for all of these years! I love you both.

If you've never seen soccer (futbol) before, give the World Cup a try. There's a lot of fancy footwork--and if you think American fans are intense, try some of these international fans! To say they love the sport is to say that it gets a little warm inside a volcano.

I just wrapped up a run-through of the third novel and you'll be glad to know that I think it's worth keeping. I wasn't sure it would stand up to my scrutiny after the year or so since I'd last read it, but I think it does. It needs some tweaks and I'm working on those now. Then will come the most dreaded step: FORMATTING. Just the word strikes fear in my heart, but I will prevail! (And I'll try not to be so dramatic about it.)
I'll keep you posted.

Have a great weekend!

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